Most Viewed Photo on Harry Lim Photography’s Flickr Page

So I’m a little obsessed. On an almost daily basis I check the stats and analytics on my Web site, Flickr page and blog. You know, just seeing if anyone’s out there. 

And sometimes, I’ll even google myself to see how high my site is ranking…or if it ranks at all! (it does, by the way. First page. Right behind a cardiologist and jazz musician by the same name). 

Actually, that’s a good segue ’cause the most popular picture on my Flickr Pro Page is of a saxophone. Well, not just any saxophone; a “Julius Keilwerth Tenor, aka the SR90 Shadow”.  

Julius Keilwerth Tenor Saxophone SX 90 R “Shadow”

click for larger image

I took a picture of it last June when I did a photo shoot for my friend and jazz musician Derek Hudson. That picture has been viewed 150 times. That’s 3 times more than any other I have posted. [UPDATE 10/29/10: The count is now up to 324]

I even found a link to it on a search engine. I’ve tried to find the link again, but I can’t. I do remember that I was given credit for it. 

So I keep asking myself: why that picture? Of all the ones I have posted, what is it about that one that makes it the most popular? Let me know what you think. Take a look at my Flickr Pro Page and let me know there or here or on Facebook which one is your favorite.

Sharon and Derek’s Photoshoot

Derek Hudson is a local jazz musician. He and his wife, Sharon, collaborate on projects and have released CDs under the name “Inspired Jazz“. A few months ago, Derek asked me to take some pictures of him for his website. (you can see some of them at his site under “photos”.) That shoot resulted in one of my personal favorites:

Derek Hudson

Well, last week, Sharon asked if I could do another shoot for the cover of a CD they are about to release. Most of the pictures were just of her, others included Derek. They asked for a plain background so a graphic artist could change the background. First, I suggested a plain white seamless paper background. We were going to put it up on their garage door, but when I got to their house at around 10am, I saw the garage faced east and the sun was blasting it full force. No good for pictures. The subjects would be squinting…and hot! So I scouted around the house and chose the shady north side (photographer’s love northern light!).  I decided that I could shoot against their brown wall; I figured with some separation and a large aperture (f/2.8 to f/5.6) I could render the wall out of focus. Anyway, here is one of my favorite shots from that day. You can see the before with the wall and the after where I replaced the color with gray.

Original image with brown wall

Original image with brown wall

Same picture with a gray background

Same picture with a gray background

The gray background and empty space should make it easy to add text for the CD cover.

Image Info:

f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250th, 28mm
580EXII Camera Left, ETTL, Diffusion Dome on